Somatic Therapy

With Somatics the body is the roadmap, and what you feel in the present moment guides us with the material you bring to the session. Instead of top-down processing—where thinking about your too-familiar problem dominates —we work from the bottom-up: the body and it’s sensations guide a process that brings deeper realization. It’s stunning how this unfolds; such a mystery. Sensation, feeling, posture and gesture are the domain of my work; you are just as likely to be on your feet or on the table in my office as on the couch.

With the right attention to the pattern of your life the thread of unresolved past becomes visible. We follow this thread through sensation and feelings and a pattern begins to takes shape––a body-map. Whatever remains of the past that hasn’t been integrated is still troubling you, as it should. Rather than fighting with it, we follow its lead into the place where old pain can settle and new patterns of being are born.